Although the quality of the aquifer’s ground water is rated as good to excellent, it is highly vulnerable to contamination due to its geological conditions.
Sites of concern include:
- A large, heavy industrial plant off High Bridge Road
- The town sanitary landfill near Peck’s lane
- Three industrial waste disposal sites (one site on route 25 north of Peck’s lane; two sites east of Railroad south of Turkey Hill Road)
- One site with permitted industrial effluent discharge (route 25 vicinity)
- Three road salt stockpiles (1 town and 1 state at Sandy Hook, and 1 town near Newtown landfill)
- Two sewage treatment plants (Fairfield Hills State Hospital and Newtown Middle School
- The southern (upstream) portion of the aquifer in the vicinity of route 25 is in an area of extensive gravel mining, small industrial plants and general commercial uses
- Uses along route 34, at the northern portion of the aquifer include the small commercial center of Sandy Hook, the High School, a small industrial plant, and the I-84 expressway
- Large areas are presently zoned for industrial use along Peck’s Lane, lower Route 25 and in Botsford and additional areas for industrial use extending northward from Botsford
“What you put down your sink is what you drink”
By percolation from the drainfield of a septic, chemicals can get into the ground water. The ground water is connected to the house hold source of water.
Not only does the chemical runoff happen with cigarettes but also with litter, fertilizers and pesticides. Be careful what goes on the ground because eventually it will come back to you.